Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014


According to Barthes, there are another sign (myth) in society which included by two-level tagging (denotation and connotation), to form a system of sign-signifier-signified, the sign will be a new marker which then has a second marker and form a new sign. When a sign which has connotations then evolved into meaning denotation, the meaning would be the denotation of the myth. This theory was advanced by Ferdinand de Saussure thoughts before.
Myth is a type of speech, everything that could be a myth as long as it is presented by a discourse. Literary work is definitely not a myth, but as an aesthetic form of the literary work is a manifestation of the myth itself (Barthes; 2004:152). Barthes claimed that every ideological sign is the result of two interconnected sign system.

And talk about myth we should to know about philosophy first. There are a relation between myth and philosophy, the philosophy which has function as analyze from what the myth had is. Both in terms of the story that the content contained in the mythology, characters and events. Philosophy as a way to filter a radical thought bizarre knowledge to explain again to the public. Correlation philosophy as a form of literary semiotics. Philosophy used to translate (a poetic sense) a myth of an area. Because the language of literature tends to use the language metaphor.

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